MarkUp Validation Service

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: iso-8859-1
Errors: 282
Revalidate With Options

This page is not Valid !

Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.

  1. Line 1, column 47: invalid formal public identifier "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en"
      <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
  2. Line 1, column 48: cannot generate system identifier for public text "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en"
      <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
  3. Line 1, column 48: reference to entity "HTML" for which no system identifier could be generated
      <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
  4. Line 1, column 0: entity was defined here
      <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
  5. Line 1, column 48: DTD did not contain element declaration for document type name
      <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
  6. Line 2, column 5: element "HTML" undefined (explain...).
  7. Line 3, column 6: element "HEAD" undefined (explain...).
  8. Line 4, column 19: there is no attribute "HTTP-EQUIV" (explain...).
        <meta http-equiv=content-type content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
  9. Line 4, column 40: there is no attribute "CONTENT" (explain...).
        <meta http-equiv=content-type content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
  10. Line 4, column 70: element "META" undefined (explain...).
      ...ent-type content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
  11. Line 5, column 8: element "TITLE" undefined (explain...).
  12. Line 9, column 15: there is no attribute "BGCOLOR" (explain...).
       <body bgcolor="#006633" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#0
  13. Line 9, column 30: there is no attribute "TEXT" (explain...).
       <body bgcolor="#006633" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#0
  14. Line 9, column 45: there is no attribute "LINK" (explain...).
      ...gcolor="#006633" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#00000.
  15. Line 9, column 61: there is no attribute "VLINK" (explain...).
      ...y bgcolor="#006633" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000">
  16. Line 9, column 77: there is no attribute "ALINK" (explain...).
      ...0" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000">
  17. Line 9, column 86: element "BODY" undefined (explain...).
      ...0000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000">
  18. Line 10, column 10: there is no attribute "NAME" (explain...).
        <a name="s00"></a>
  19. Line 10, column 15: element "A" undefined (explain...).
        <a name="s00"></a>
  20. Line 11, column 9: element "CENTER" undefined (explain...).
  21. Line 12, column 17: there is no attribute "BORDER" (explain...).
         <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="76
  22. Line 12, column 33: there is no attribute "CELLPADDING" (explain...).
         <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="76
  23. Line 12, column 49: there is no attribute "CELLSPACING" (explain...).
         <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="760">
  24. Line 12, column 61: there is no attribute "BGCOLOR" (explain...). border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="760">
  25. Line 12, column 77: there is no attribute "WIDTH" (explain...).
      ...cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="760">
  26. Line 12, column 82: element "TABLE" undefined (explain...)."0" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="760">
  27. Line 13, column 15: there is no attribute "HEIGHT" (explain...).
          <tr height="5">
  28. Line 13, column 18: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
          <tr height="5">
  29. Line 14, column 15: there is no attribute "WIDTH" (explain...).
           <td width="5" bgcolor="#000000" height="5">
  30. Line 14, column 27: there is no attribute "BGCOLOR" (explain...).
           <td width="5" bgcolor="#000000" height="5">
  31. Line 14, column 44: there is no attribute "HEIGHT" (explain...).
           <td width="5" bgcolor="#000000" height="5">
  32. Line 14, column 47: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td width="5" bgcolor="#000000" height="5">
  33. Line 16, column 28: there is no attribute "COLSPAN" (explain...).
           <td height="5" colspan="3" bgcolor="#000000">
  34. Line 16, column 49: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td height="5" colspan="3" bgcolor="#000000">
  35. Line 18, column 47: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td width="5" height="5" bgcolor="#000000">
  36. Line 21, column 7: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  37. Line 22, column 27: there is no attribute "ROWSPAN" (explain...).
           <td width="5" rowspan="5" bgcolor="#000000">
  38. Line 22, column 48: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td width="5" rowspan="5" bgcolor="#000000">
  39. Line 23, column 9: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  40. Line 25, column 27: there is no attribute "ALIGN" (explain...).
           <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffcc33">
  41. Line 25, column 41: there is no attribute "VALIGN" (explain...).
           <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffcc33">
  42. Line 25, column 64: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
      ...lspan="3" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffcc33">
  43. Line 26, column 68: element "TABLE" undefined (explain...).
      ...="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  44. Line 29, column 10: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  45. Line 30, column 47: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
              <td width="200" height="69" rowspan="2">
  46. Line 31, column 18: there is no attribute "SRC" (explain...).
               <img src="../gra/lo.jpg" height="69" border="0" alt="lutte ouvriere">
  47. Line 31, column 41: there is no attribute "HEIGHT" (explain...).
               <img src="../gra/lo.jpg" height="69" border="0" alt="lutte ouvriere">
  48. Line 31, column 53: there is no attribute "BORDER" (explain...).
               <img src="../gra/lo.jpg" height="69" border="0" alt="lutte ouvriere">
  49. Line 31, column 61: there is no attribute "ALT" (explain...).
      ...    <img src="../gra/lo.jpg" height="69" border="0" alt="lutte ouvriere">
  50. Line 31, column 77: element "IMG" undefined (explain...).
      ...ght="69" border="0" alt="lutte ouvriere">
  51. Line 33, column 39: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
              <td width="550" valign="bottom">
  52. Line 34, column 20: there is no attribute "ALIGN" (explain...).
               <div align="center">
  53. Line 34, column 28: element "DIV" undefined (explain...).
               <div align="center">
  54. Line 35, column 21: there is no attribute "FACE" (explain...).
                <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="4">
  55. Line 35, column 44: there is no attribute "SIZE" (explain...).
                <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="4">
  56. Line 35, column 47: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="4">
  57. Line 36, column 13: element "B" undefined (explain...).
  58. Line 40, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  59. Line 41, column 47: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="3">
  60. Line 42, column 14: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "eacute"
  61. Line 42, column 14: general entity "eacute" not defined and no default entity (explain...).
  62. Line 42, column 20: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
  63. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  64. Line 50, column 10: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  65. Line 51, column 27: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
              <td valign="bottom">
  66. Line 52, column 28: element "TABLE" undefined (explain...).
               <table width="100%">
  67. Line 53, column 13: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  68. Line 54, column 27: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td align="left">
  69. Line 55, column 47: there is no attribute "COLOR" (explain...).
                  <font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#0000ff" size="2">
  70. Line 55, column 65: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
      ...font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#0000ff" size="2">
  71. Line 56, column 15: element "B" undefined (explain...).
  72. Line 57, column 15: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "nbsp"
  73. Line 57, column 15: general entity "nbsp" not defined and no default entity (explain...).
  74. Line 57, column 19: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  75. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  76. Line 57, column 35: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
  77. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  78. Line 57, column 44: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
  79. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  80. Line 61, column 28: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td align="right">
  81. Line 62, column 65: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
      ...font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#000000" size="1">
  82. Line 63, column 15: element "B" undefined (explain...).
  83. Line 64, column 19: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "agrave"
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  84. Line 64, column 19: general entity "agrave" not defined and no default entity (explain...).
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  85. Line 64, column 25: reference to entity "agrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  86. Line 64, column 18: entity was defined here
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  87. Line 64, column 50: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  88. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  89. Line 64, column 56: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  90. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  91. Line 64, column 62: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...       mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  92. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  93. Line 76, column 48: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td width="5" rowspan="5" bgcolor="#000000">
  94. Line 77, column 9: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  95. Line 80, column 7: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  96. Line 81, column 64: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
      ...lspan="3" height="5" align="center" bgcolor="#000000">
  97. Line 86, column 7: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  98. Line 87, column 64: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
      ...lspan="3" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#666699">
  99. Line 88, column 68: element "TABLE" undefined (explain...).
      ...="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  100. Line 89, column 10: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  101. Line 90, column 11: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
  102. Line 91, column 35: element "IMG" undefined (explain...).
               <img src="../gra/lar2.gif">
  103. Line 92, column 14: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  104. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  105. Line 92, column 20: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  106. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  107. Line 93, column 17: there is no attribute "HREF" (explain...).
               <a href="../index.html"><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b> Somma
  108. Line 93, column 32: element "A" undefined (explain...).
               <a href="../index.html"><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b> Somma
  109. Line 93, column 70: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
      ...<font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b> Sommaire r&eacute;gional</b></font>
  110. Line 93, column 73: element "B" undefined (explain...).
      ...nt face="Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b> Sommaire r&eacute;gional</b></font><..
  111. Line 93, column 92: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...etica" size="2"><b> Sommaire r&eacute;gional</b></font></a>
  112. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  113. Line 101, column 7: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  114. Line 102, column 77: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
      ...="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
  115. Line 105, column 7: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  116. Line 108, column 77: element "TD" undefined (explain...)."left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc">
  117. Line 109, column 68: element "TABLE" undefined (explain...).
      ...="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  118. Line 110, column 10: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  119. Line 111, column 11: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
  120. Line 112, column 44: element "TABLE" undefined (explain...).
               <table cellspacing="3" width="100%">
  121. Line 113, column 21: there is no attribute "VALIGN" (explain...).
                <tr valign="top">
  122. Line 113, column 26: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
                <tr valign="top">
  123. Line 114, column 25: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td width="5%">
  124. Line 115, column 65: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
      ...font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1" color="#ff0000">
  125. Line 116, column 18: reference to non-SGML character (explain...).
  126. Line 116, column 24: reference to non-SGML character (explain...).
  127. Line 119, column 26: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td width="95%">
  128. Line 120, column 65: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
      ...font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1" color="#ff0000">
  129. Line 121, column 22: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
  130. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  131. Line 125, column 26: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
                <tr valign="top">
  132. Line 126, column 25: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td width="5%">
  133. Line 127, column 49: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                  <font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
  134. Line 128, column 18: reference to non-SGML character (explain...).
  135. Line 128, column 24: reference to non-SGML character (explain...).
  136. Line 131, column 26: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td width="95%">
  137. Line 132, column 49: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                  <font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
  138. Line 133, column 35: element "A" undefined (explain...).
                   <A HREF="reg2004.html">R&eacute;gionales 2004</A>
  139. Line 133, column 44: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                   <A HREF="reg2004.html">R&eacute;gionales 2004</A>
  140. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  141. Line 134, column 16: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  142. Line 138, column 26: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
                <tr valign="top">
  143. Line 139, column 25: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td width="5%">
  144. Line 140, column 49: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                  <font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
  145. Line 141, column 18: reference to non-SGML character (explain...).
  146. Line 141, column 24: reference to non-SGML character (explain...).
  147. Line 144, column 26: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td width="95%">
  148. Line 145, column 49: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                  <font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
  149. Line 146, column 34: element "A" undefined (explain...).
                   <A HREF="agenda.html">R&eacute;unions publiques et &eacute;missions
  150. Line 146, column 43: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...       <A HREF="agenda.html">R&eacute;unions publiques et &eacute;missions<..
  151. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  152. Line 146, column 71: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...nda.html">R&eacute;unions publiques et &eacute;missions</A>
  153. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  154. Line 150, column 26: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
                <tr valign="top">
  155. Line 151, column 25: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td width="5%">
  156. Line 152, column 49: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                  <font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
  157. Line 153, column 18: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  158. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  159. Line 156, column 26: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
                 <td width="95%">
  160. Line 157, column 49: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                  <font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
  161. Line 158, column 18: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  162. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  163. Line 169, column 64: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
      ...dth="2" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
  164. Line 173, column 39: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffcc">
  165. Line 174, column 67: element "TABLE" undefined (explain...)."4" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="554">
  166. Line 175, column 10: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  167. Line 176, column 11: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
  168. Line 177, column 69: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
      ...Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" color="#660000"size="2">
  169. Line 178, column 12: element "B" undefined (explain...).
  170. Line 179, column 32: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
                 <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">
  171. Line 180, column 31: element "DIV" undefined (explain...).
                  <DIV ALIGN="center">
  172. Line 181, column 24: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                   Les &eacute;lections de 2004
  173. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  174. Line 185, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  175. Line 186, column 22: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "egrave"
                Lutte ouvri&egrave;re pr&eacute;sentera des listes communes avec la LC
  176. Line 186, column 22: general entity "egrave" not defined and no default entity (explain...).
                Lutte ouvri&egrave;re pr&eacute;sentera des listes communes avec la LC
  177. Line 186, column 28: reference to entity "egrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
                Lutte ouvri&egrave;re pr&eacute;sentera des listes communes avec la LC
  178. Line 186, column 21: entity was defined here
                Lutte ouvri&egrave;re pr&eacute;sentera des listes communes avec la LC
  179. Line 186, column 41: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...      Lutte ouvri&egrave;re pr&eacute;sentera des listes communes avec la LCR
  180. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  181. Line 187, column 17: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                &eacute;lections r&eacute;gionales et europ&eacute;ennes qui se
  182. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  183. Line 187, column 35: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                &eacute;lections r&eacute;gionales et europ&eacute;ennes qui se
  184. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  185. Line 187, column 60: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                &eacute;lections r&eacute;gionales et europ&eacute;ennes qui se
  186. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  187. Line 188, column 18: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                d&eacute;rouleront en mars et juin 2004. Par ailleurs nous serons
  188. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  189. Line 189, column 19: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                pr&eacute;sents &eacute;galement dans un certain nombre de cantons.
  190. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  191. Line 189, column 33: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                pr&eacute;sents &eacute;galement dans un certain nombre de cantons.
  192. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  193. Line 190, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  194. Line 191, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  195. Line 192, column 27: reference to entity "agrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
                Au fur et &agrave; mesure de l'annonce des candidatures et des activit
  196. Line 64, column 18: entity was defined here
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  197. Line 192, column 87: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated candidatures et des activit&eacute;s
  198. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  199. Line 193, column 19: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                li&eacute;es &agrave; ces nouvelles campagnes &eacute;lectorales, cett
  200. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  201. Line 193, column 30: reference to entity "agrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
                li&eacute;es &agrave; ces nouvelles campagnes &eacute;lectorales, cett
  202. Line 64, column 18: entity was defined here
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  203. Line 193, column 63: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ... li&eacute;es &agrave; ces nouvelles campagnes &eacute;lectorales, cette section
  204. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  205. Line 194, column 27: reference to entity "agrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
                sera mise &agrave; jour.
  206. Line 64, column 18: entity was defined here
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  207. Line 195, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  208. Line 196, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  209. Line 197, column 18: reference to entity "egrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
                D&egrave;s maintenant, toutes les aides sont les bienvenues : faire ci
  210. Line 186, column 21: entity was defined here
                Lutte ouvri&egrave;re pr&eacute;sentera des listes communes avec la LC
  211. Line 198, column 72: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...e quelques affiches dans votre localit&eacute; que nous vous
  212. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  213. Line 199, column 76: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...e demande (tout en respectant la r&eacute;glementation
  214. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  215. Line 200, column 61: reference to entity "agrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...     de l'affichage public) ou encore nous aider &agrave; organiser une
  216. Line 64, column 18: entity was defined here
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  217. Line 201, column 18: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                r&eacute;union locale et surtout en parlant de notre campagne autour d
  218. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  219. Line 202, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  220. Line 203, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  221. Line 204, column 20: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                N'h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; nous envoyer un message en prenant soin
  222. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  223. Line 204, column 38: reference to entity "agrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
                N'h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; nous envoyer un message en prenant soin
  224. Line 64, column 18: entity was defined here
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  225. Line 205, column 53: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                d'indiquer vos noms et adresses (et &eacute;ventuellement un num&eacute;ro de
  226. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  227. Line 205, column 81: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...t &eacute;ventuellement un num&eacute;ro de
  228. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  229. Line 206, column 18: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                t&eacute;l&eacute;phone o&ugrave; nous puissions vous joindre) &agrave
  230. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  231. Line 206, column 27: reference to entity "eacute" for which no system identifier could be generated
                t&eacute;l&eacute;phone o&ugrave; nous puissions vous joindre) &agrave
  232. Line 42, column 13: entity was defined here
  233. Line 206, column 36: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "ugrave"
                t&eacute;l&eacute;phone o&ugrave; nous puissions vous joindre) &agrave
  234. Line 206, column 36: general entity "ugrave" not defined and no default entity (explain...).
                t&eacute;l&eacute;phone o&ugrave; nous puissions vous joindre) &agrave
  235. Line 206, column 42: reference to entity "ugrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...     t&eacute;l&eacute;phone o&ugrave; nous puissions vous joindre) &agrave..
  236. Line 206, column 35: entity was defined here
                t&eacute;l&eacute;phone o&ugrave; nous puissions vous joindre) &agrave
  237. Line 206, column 80: reference to entity "agrave" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ... nous puissions vous joindre) &agrave; :
  238. Line 64, column 18: entity was defined here
                    mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  239. Line 207, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  240. Line 208, column 13: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  241. Line 212, column 10: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
  242. Line 213, column 11: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
  243. Line 214, column 28: element "DIV" undefined (explain...).
               <DIV ALIGN="center">
  244. Line 215, column 15: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  245. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  246. Line 215, column 21: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  247. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  248. Line 215, column 27: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  249. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  250. Line 215, column 33: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  251. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  252. Line 215, column 39: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  253. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  254. Line 215, column 45: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ...  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb
  255. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  256. Line 215, column 51: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  257. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  258. Line 215, column 57: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  259. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  260. Line 215, column 63: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
      ... &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  261. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  262. Line 215, column 69: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  263. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  264. Line 215, column 75: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  265. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  266. Line 215, column 81: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  267. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  268. Line 215, column 87: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  269. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here
  270. Line 216, column 68: element "A" undefined (explain...)."><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="2" c
  271. Line 216, column 122: element "FONT" undefined (explain...).
      ...l,Helvetica" size="2" color="#ff0000"><b> election@lutte-ouvriere-midi-pyrene
  272. Line 216, column 125: element "B" undefined (explain...).
      ...elvetica" size="2" color="#ff0000"><b> election@lutte-ouvriere-midi-pyrenees.
  273. Line 217, column 68: element "A" undefined (explain...)."><img src="../gra/mail01.gif"></a>
  274. Line 217, column 97: element "IMG" undefined (explain...)."><img src="../gra/mail01.gif"></a>
  275. Line 219, column 12: element "BR" undefined (explain...).
  276. Line 227, column 16: there is no attribute "BGCOLOR" (explain...).
          <tr bgcolor="#000000">
  277. Line 227, column 25: element "TR" undefined (explain...).
          <tr bgcolor="#000000">
  278. Line 228, column 29: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td width="5" height="5">
  279. Line 230, column 31: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td height="5" colspan="3">
  280. Line 232, column 29: element "TD" undefined (explain...).
           <td width="5" height="5">
  281. Line 236, column 8: reference to entity "nbsp" for which no system identifier could be generated
  282. Line 57, column 14: entity was defined here

Source Listing

Below is the source input I used for this validation:

   1: <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en">
   2: <html>
   3: 	<head>
   4: 		<meta http-equiv=content-type content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
   5: 		<title>
   6: 			Lutte Ouvriere (Midi-Pyrenees) - Elections 2004
   7: 		</title>
   8: 	</head>
   9: 	<body bgcolor="#006633" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000">
  10: 		<a name="s00"></a>
  11: 		<center>
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  17: 					</td>
  18: 					<td width="5" height="5" bgcolor="#000000">
  19: 					</td>
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  21: 				<tr>
  22: 					<td width="5" rowspan="5" bgcolor="#000000">
  23: 						<br>
  24: 					</td>
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  28: 							<!-- Bandeau titre -->
  29: 							<tr>
  30: 								<td width="200" height="69" rowspan="2">
  31: 									<img src="../gra/lo.jpg" height="69" border="0" alt="lutte ouvriere">
  32: 								</td>
  33: 								<td width="550" valign="bottom">
  34: 									<div align="center">
  35: 										<font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="4">
  36: 											<b>
  37: 												Elections 2004
  38: 											</b>
  39: 										</font>
  40: 										<BR>
  41: 										<font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="3">
  42: 											Pr&eacute;sentation
  43: 										</font>
  44: 									</div>
  45: 								</td>
  46: 							</tr>
  47: 							<!-- fin -->
  49: 							<!-- Date m.a.j. -->
  50: 							<tr>
  51: 								<td valign="bottom">
  52: 									<table width="100%">
  53: 										<tr>
  54: 											<td align="left">
  55: 												<font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#0000ff" size="2">
  56: 													<b>
  57: 														&nbsp;Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es
  58: 													</b>
  59: 												</font>
  60: 											</td>
  61: 											<td align="right">
  62: 												<font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#000000" size="1">
  63: 													<b>
  64: 														mis &agrave; jour le 12/02/2004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  65: 													</b>
  66: 												</font>
  67: 											</td>
  68: 										</tr>
  69: 									</table>
  70: 								</td>
  71: 							</tr>
  72: 							<!-- fin -->
  74: 						</table>
  75: 					</td>
  76: 					<td width="5" rowspan="5" bgcolor="#000000">
  77: 						<br>
  78: 					</td>
  79: 				</tr>
  80: 				<tr>
  81: 					<td colspan="3" height="5" align="center" bgcolor="#000000">
  82: 					</td>
  83: 				</tr>
  85: 				<!-- Barre navigation -->
  86: 				<tr>
  87: 					<td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#666699">
  88: 						<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  89: 							<tr>
  90: 								<td>
  91: 									<img src="../gra/lar2.gif">
  92: 									&nbsp;&nbsp;
  93: 									<a href="../index.html"><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b> Sommaire r&eacute;gional</b></font></a>
  94: 								</td>
  95: 							</tr>
  96: 						</table>
  97: 					</td>
  98: 				</tr>
  99: 				<!-- fin -->
 101: 				<tr>
 102: 					<td colspan="3" height="5" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
 103: 					</td>
 104: 				</tr>
 105: 				<tr>
 107: 					<!-- Menu colonne - width=200 -->
 108: 					<td width="200" height="250" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#cccccc">
 109: 						<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
 110: 							<tr>
 111: 								<td>
 112: 									<table cellspacing="3" width="100%">
 113: 										<tr valign="top">
 114: 											<td width="5%">
 115: 												<font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1" color="#ff0000">
 116: 													&#149;&#149;
 117: 												</font>
 118: 											</td>
 119: 											<td width="95%">
 120: 												<font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1" color="#ff0000">
 121: 													Pr&eacute;sentation
 122: 												</font>
 123: 											</td>
 124: 										</tr>
 125: 										<tr valign="top">
 126: 											<td width="5%">
 127: 												<font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
 128: 													&#149;&#149;
 129: 												</font>
 130: 											</td>
 131: 											<td width="95%">
 132: 												<font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
 133: 													<A HREF="reg2004.html">R&eacute;gionales 2004</A>
 134: 													<BR>
 135: 												</font>
 136: 											</td>
 137: 										</tr>
 138: 										<tr valign="top">
 139: 											<td width="5%">
 140: 												<font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
 141: 													&#149;&#149;
 142: 												</font>
 143: 											</td>
 144: 											<td width="95%">
 145: 												<font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
 146: 													<A HREF="agenda.html">R&eacute;unions publiques et &eacute;missions</A>
 147: 												</font>
 148: 											</td>
 149: 										</tr>
 150: 										<tr valign="top">
 151: 											<td width="5%">
 152: 												<font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
 153: 													&nbsp;
 154: 												</font>
 155: 											</td>
 156: 											<td width="95%">
 157: 												<font face="Helvetica,Arial" size="1">
 158: 													&nbsp;
 159: 												</font>
 160: 											</td>
 161: 										</tr>
 162: 									</table>
 163: 								</td>
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 166: 					</td>
 167: 					<!-- fin -->
 169: 					<td width="2" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
 170: 					</td>
 172: 					<!-- Panneau droit - width=545  -->
 173: 					<td valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffcc">
 174: 						<table border="4" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="554">
 175: 							<tr>
 176: 								<td>
 177: 									<font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" color="#660000"size="2">
 178: 										<B>
 179: 											<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">
 180: 												<DIV ALIGN="center">
 181: 													Les &eacute;lections de 2004
 182: 												</DIV>
 183: 											</FONT>
 184: 										</B>
 185: 										<br>
 186: 										Lutte ouvri&egrave;re pr&eacute;sentera des listes communes avec la LCR aux
 187: 										&eacute;lections r&eacute;gionales et europ&eacute;ennes qui se
 188: 										d&eacute;rouleront en mars et juin 2004. Par ailleurs nous serons
 189: 										pr&eacute;sents &eacute;galement dans un certain nombre de cantons.
 190: 										<BR>
 191: 										<br>
 192: 										Au fur et &agrave; mesure de l'annonce des candidatures et des activit&eacute;s
 193: 										li&eacute;es &agrave; ces nouvelles campagnes &eacute;lectorales, cette section
 194: 										sera mise &agrave; jour.
 195: 										<BR>
 196: 										<br>
 197: 										D&egrave;s maintenant, toutes les aides sont les bienvenues : faire circuler
 198: 										des tracts, mettre quelques affiches dans votre localit&eacute; que nous vous
 199: 										ferons parvenir sur simple demande (tout en respectant la r&eacute;glementation
 200: 										de l'affichage public) ou encore nous aider &agrave; organiser une
 201: 										r&eacute;union locale et surtout en parlant de notre campagne autour de vous.
 202: 										<BR>
 203: 										<br>
 204: 										N'h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; nous envoyer un message en prenant soin
 205: 										d'indiquer vos noms et adresses (et &eacute;ventuellement un num&eacute;ro de
 206: 										t&eacute;l&eacute;phone o&ugrave; nous puissions vous joindre) &agrave; :
 207: 										<BR>
 208: 										<BR>
 209: 									</font>
 210: 								</td>
 211: 							</tr>
 212: 							<tr>
 213: 								<td>
 214: 									<DIV ALIGN="center">
 215: 										&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
 216: 										<a href=""><font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="2" color="#ff0000"><b></b></font></a>
 217: 										<a href=""><img src="../gra/mail01.gif"></a>
 218: 									</DIV>
 219: 									<BR>
 220: 								</td>
 221: 							</tr>
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 236: 			&nbsp;
 237: 		</center>
 238: 	</body>
 239: </html>
Valid XHTML 1.0! The W3C Validator Team
Date: 2002/11/30 23:18:00